Not Ceased To Pray

How many of us can confidently say that someone has not ceased praying for our growth in wisdom and understanding? And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding ~ Colossians 1:9 Some of us can say our mothers or fathers; some know friends who will pray for them in crisis/confusion should they ask; others say friends have prayed for them in hard seasons. Most of our testimonies mount on the prayers of others, but right now who is unceasingly praying for you?
Who are we fervently praying for on a daily basis, for their wisdom and understanding to grow? We pray for our husbands, children, family but who else have we not ceased praying for?
One thing this pandemic has cemented in my heart is my desperate need for prayer in this motherhood journey. We battle everyday against selfishness, discouragement, doubt, loneliness, the list of what to do and how, the concern of how we raise another human to be kind, purposeful, and serving amidst rage, apathy, and selfishness. So many good ideas have pummelled our screens lately telling us what to do, how to care, teach, train, raise, live, etc. What is popular becomes right, and what is common becomes wise.
But we need the knowledge of His will and we need a filling of it - not a trickle, not a few cups, not a sermon now and then. No, we need a filling. And Paul knew that. He prayed without ceasing for Colossae that they would know and be filled with His will, His wisdom, and His understanding. For only when they were filled with His will could their walk please God and bear fruit for Him.
We need to be women devoted to one another in this same way. We need to commit to praying without ceasing for one another. We know the struggles, fears, and worries of our friends; we may even have given great advice.
But we need to get on our knees and pray.
We need desperately to have a vision of supporting one another in a battle that will not end and seeks to make us feel weary, confused, and alone. Let’s mimic the picture of Aaron and Hur holding up Moses’ arms in the battle against Amalek and giving him a rock to sit on while he held high God’s banner. Let’s lift up the weary arms of our friend, offering a comforting place to rest with a covering of prayer that she may deepen in her walk of faith holding high the gospel as she ministers to her family.
Photo Cred: @priscilladupreez
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