Let's Begin Having A Conversation

God wired me for relationship. Now I know He created all of us in this way, but some of us are more introverted while some (like me) thrive on interacting and knowing others. One of the primary reasons the podcast, When God Breaks Through, began was for a better way to interact and know mothers. I want to walk with mothers in the hard and messy places as well as the triumphant and amazing moments!
Lies of Motherhood
We are entering a series that will look at all the lies we often believe in motherhood. Some we know we are believing, but others are more insidious. All of them need the exposure of His light; all of them need the application of His truth. So that’s just what we are beginning to do over the next few months.
In Lies of Motherhood, we are going to dissect the lie, peeling back the layers with which it presents, slicing off the many tentacles that infiltrate our thought lives, and exposing the real, raw beliefs the enemy desires us to believe. Then we will begin to apply the Word, allowing God’s voice, His truth, to redefine us.
But I believe the most powerful part will be the conversations we will have during our TableTalk time - The enemy wants to convince us that we are the ONLY one who struggles with something. He seeks to isolate us - it’s just his way. SO the sooner we realize his methods, we can become more equipped to stand firm against them.
We will be real talking (is that a thing? well, it is now!) about not only how we wrestle with similar ideas and hear identical whispers, but also how do we gain victory and stand firm in the Word. Real, regular moms all of whom are my friends from different spaces of my life will join me at the Kitchen Table as we break this down. I can’t wait for you to join in!
Your participation
I want to hear your thoughts, your questions, and even your struggles. I promise, we have all experienced similar struggles ~ the enemy just wants to convince you that you are the worst or the only one. Below you will find a little voice recorder - go ahead and send me a little message on it! I mentioned it in my last newsletter, but my goal is to hear and include your questions at the end of podcasts. Even if they don’t necessarily “go” with the topic of the week.
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